for me, NOTHING takes me back to specific points in my life quite like music. there are certain songs that never fail to transport me back to a different time in my life. tonight i am drinking an exceptional beer and reminiscing while listening to those songs that define parts of my life. i thought i would share them with you.
CHILDHOOD. my childhood was defined primarily by 1970s AM classics. those were the albums my dad played over and over again on long drives. these songs remind me of the 45 minute drive to my grandparents' apartment, of my father, and of our old upholstered chairs with the giant, hot pink flowers.
ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL. this time in my life can be summed up in 3 words: BEN FOLDS FIVE. all of their albums, especially their eponymous first disc, have been extremely influential on me. my older brother used to work for their record company and introduced me to their music at the tender age of nine. they have been my favorite band since. thanks, big brother.
fun fact: i painted the lyrics, "go ahead, you can laugh all you want. i've got my philosophy." on everything i owned between the ages of 10 and 15.
HIGH SCHOOL. i had very varied musical tastes at this point in my life. i loved jeff buckley (again thanks to my older brother), the dismemberment plan, punk, and ska. bands like bad religion, leftover crack/choking victim (i stopped listening them after stza made fun of me at a show once), and less than jake ruled my life.
COLLEGE. i got to art school and realized everyone around me thought punk was passé and ska sucked. so i started listening to bands like neutral milk hotel, q and not u (i went to their last ever show and danced on the speaker), and bonnie prince billy. i also became super obsessed with they might be giants. i still kind of am. i sold out.
(couldn't find a good live version of this one. sorry!)
MEETING TRAVIS. i met travis early in my junior year. during this time, while i was falling in love, i listened to a lot of andrew bird and clem snide.
THE WEDDING. while planning our wedding i listened to a ton of motown, duwop, romantic music from the 1950s and 60s, and a lot of quiet company.
fun fact: i walked down the aisle to the above song.
PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH. i listened to a TON of josh ritter during my pregnancy and the early hours of labor. so runs the world away was my go-to album during this time. i also listened to the drums a lot. their music reminds me of summer in the best way.
since sylvie's birth my musical life has been dominated by sesame street and yo gabba gabba, so this pretty much brings us up to date. if you watched even one of these videos, then bless you. you have the patience of a saint.
Posted at 08:09 PM in youtube | Permalink | Comments (8)
today i'm trying something a little different and out of my comfort zone: vlogging. this video is part of a link-up called vloggin' vednesdays on don's blog adeline's daddy. i have never vlogged before and was super nervous about it. it is a little long and rambling at 7 minutes. i would like to continue to participate in vloggin' vednesdays in the future, and i'm sure i will learn the tricks of the trade as i go.
aside from the normal complaint of not liking the sound of my voice, i think it turned out well. thanks to don for hosting this link-up each week! now hop on over and check out adeline's daddy for a cuteness overload!
Posted at 11:27 AM in vloggin' vednesdays, youtube | Permalink | Comments (14)
sylvie suddenly really started babbling today. she has always been a vocal girl and has been "talking" for months and months. but today she said "mama" about 200 times, with intention. she said it repeatedly while staring straight into my eyes. it was magic.
this wasn't her clearest string of words today, but you get the point. we need to work on "dada" now. i've heard my name a ton of times, but travis has never heard his. so not fair, sylvie!
Posted at 08:01 PM in youtube | Permalink | Comments (17)
Dear Angela Kinsey,
You're really pretty, do a great job hawking foam hair color, and making us laugh uncomfortably every week on The Office. What you really excel at, however, is making videos for children. Your guest spot as "teacher" on Yo Gabba Gabba is currently my daughter's favorite YouTube video.
(HERE is a link to the video, as embedding on it is disabled.)
She has been sick all day with a fever, and your video is the only surefire way to get her smiling again. I have proof.
Thank you, Angela Kinsey, for being YOU.
Posted at 06:42 PM in youtube | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 08:20 PM in pictures, video, youtube | Permalink | Comments (9)
Posted at 03:00 AM in labor signs, thank you, Uncategorized, video, youtube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 03:00 AM in breastfeeding, Uncategorized, video, youtube | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 03:00 AM in awesome, ben folds, merton, music, Uncategorized, video, youtube | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)