kay. so top baby blogs reset its rankings today, and i'm about to beg for your votes. ready? please please PLEASE click the top baby blogs button in the left sidebar to vote for me! after you click it, there will be a screen that pops up and you have to click the link on that as well. that's it! just two clicks and i get a vote! i'm not going to pretend that this blogging network means nothing to me. i get the majority of my site traffic via this network. i have also met some AMAZING and supportive ladies through the site. the friendships i have made and the advice i have gotten mean so much to me. help a sista out! after this post there will be no more begging for votes until the next reset in 3 months. no putting the top baby blogs link badge at the bottom of every post. no mentioning TBB unless its important to a post. you have my word! help me out just this once (and then again in 3 months)! THANK YOU SO MUCH! (you can also click the banner just below.)
and now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
after seeking out advice here, on facebook and on twitter we decided to introduce a sippy cup into sylvie's routine. it won't replace her bottles just yet, but she's taken to it really well! for now i'm putting only water in it. i think i'll give her the weekend to get used to it and then try adding some formula on monday. THANK YOU to everyone who gave me advice on the matter!
in other news, i'm sure you noticed that things look a little different around here. i made a new banner and tweaked the colors while sylvie napped today. i like it much better! how about you? i just found the old color scheme and banner to be a little too aggressive, if that makes sense. i mean, i want a blog that gets your attention not smacks you over the head. so i dropped the carnival colors in favor of something more subdued, more me. any feedback is always appreciated!
on that note, i hope you all have a fantastic weekend! thank you for visiting and voting (or not)!!