today spring arrived in the midwest. it was 70 degrees, breezy, and beautifully sunny. as you know, today is st. patrick's day. i feel like most americans can claim some amount of irish heritage. i cannot. not one iota. BUT travis is on spring break this week, and it was the perfect day to eat lunch outside and enjoy oysters and beer in the sunshine.
i hate the color green. in fact, i think kelly green is the ugliest color of all time. suffice it to say, i did not wear green today. i did, however, wear both yellow and blue, which make green when mixed. it was my subtle (too subtle) art school nod to the day. sylvie doesn't really have any green clothing either. we put this bib on her at lunch because it has at least a tiny amount of the color in there. FUN FACT: i had no idea until TODAY that not wearing green=getting pinched. that's how un-irish i am.
i may not own any green, but i did wear my awesome new shoes. they are magenta and have tassels. in short, they are an epic WIN.
after lunch, my girl and i had a brief cuddle session in the sun.
we played.
we ate.
i drank a cocktail out of darth vader's head.
i hope everyone (irish or not) had a lovely day. if your weather was as nice as ours, i hope you got outside to enjoy it.