sylvie had her 9 month check-up this morning. no, she's not quite 9 months yet. she will be on may 8th. however, may is a crazy month for us because of moving and trips out of town. so we opted to do this well check a bit early. she weighs 19 pounds, 6 ounces, is 27.75 inches long, and has a head circumference of 44.5 centimeters. this puts her in the 75th-90th percentile across the board. the nurse went so far as to comment that she has never seen such a well proportioned baby. and here i thought she was all fat and big-headed. i kid, i kid! she's perfect.
even though she's not yet crawling, she is at 10 months developmentally due to her language skills. it comes as quite a shock to me that i would have a baby who is disinterested in physical activity, but loves to talk. again, i kid.
she's right on target. i must be doing something right!