you are 6 months old today. today we celebrate you and half of a year as a family of three. i cannot believe all that you have learned this month! you have taken so well to solid foods and will eat just about anything. your favorites are parsnips, pot roast, and curried peas. mealtimes are so much more fun now that you sit in your highchair and eat with us!
speaking of your highchair, you LOVE to sit up and be a part of everything going on around you. it doesn't matter if you're tired or cranky. if we put you up at adult eye level you will content yourself for a long time. it's gotten so much easier to eat at restaurants!
you are so happy all day long now. entertaining you has become so much easier. you love rolling around on the floor and playing independently and are beginning to scoot toward things you want. tummy time has finally become an activity you enjoy now that you can get your knees up under you. you are this close to being able to push up with your hands. i cannot wait until you start crawling, though i will probably eat those words later!
the only time you are not content is bedtime. some nights it still takes a long time and a lot of crying to get you down to sleep. naps, however, are so much easier. you don't fight them tooth and nail anymore. what used to be 30 minutes of crying before EVERY. SINGLE. NAP. has become a minute or two of quiet fussing. it's a huge difference from even a few weeks ago! you easily fall asleep on planes, in cars, and in restaurants again. it's such a relief! thanks for this, baby girl.
guess what? you said your first word this month! you've said mama twice so far and it instantly turned me to goo. you are so close to saying dada as well. that first da is easy for you. we're just waiting for the second one to follow it. i know you are just mimicking and don't yet associate these words with us, but i don't care! you are so unbelievably vocal all day long. you will chat with and smile at almost anyone. it is so much fun to watch.
you blow me away everyday with what you're learning to do. i love watching you grow, learn, and play. i know it will only keep getting better and more fun! you are the best thing i have ever done, and i can't imagine our lives without you. we love you so very much, baby girl. you are our world and we wouldn't have it any other way.
your mama
p.s. i made this little video in celebration of your half birthday!