dear travis,
i think the media often portrays fathers as blithering idiots, incapable of doing anything and scared of their own children. you prove all of these stereotypes wrong. you are capable, kind, and patient with sylvie. you don't dread time alone with her, you relish in it. the way you balance time with us, work, and studying amazes me. i love how responsible, practical, motivated and nurturing you are all at once. i love how hard you work to give us all of what we need and most of what we want. thank you.
nobody makes sylvie laugh the way you do. you know just how to get her giggling no matter what her mood. she lights up whenever you walk into the room and immediately reaches for you to pick her up. it brings me infinite joy to watch the two of you together. she and i are truly blessed to call you our own. thank you.
i am sorry that this first father's day can't be filled with heaps of presents for you to show our gratitude, as moving ate up all of our money. i know you don't care about that stuff, but i wish i could do more for you this year. you do so much for us everyday. i will do my best to make this day special for you, and to bring you as many moments of joy as i can. you bring us so much joy everyday. thank you.
thank you for being the most amazing father and husband two girls could ever hope for. thank you for your seemingly unending patience, even on those days when sylvie and i are both tough to be around. thank you for all that you do and all that you are. we love you so much. happy first father's day!
with all the love in our hearts,
sara and sylvie