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Emily C.

David does the EXACT same thing! hilarious! most of the time.

sara without an h

It's her default noise. She does different variations of it when she's happy, excited, and angry. Cute, but SO LOUD.

allie (and HENRY!!)

this is so funny, oh man you are going to have an early talker for sure! henry screams super loud now too luckily he hasn't figured out how to *use* it like when he's upset about something or needing attention. i think he just likes the sound of his voice!

sara without an h

Haha. That is too cute! I'm sure he'll start using his voice to demand things soon enough. Henry is awesome!


Elliot does the SAME. EXACT. THING. Well, minus the adorable "ba-ga-ba-ga" thing in the beginning with her hand. But screeches? He's a big fan.

sara without an h

The screeches crack me up when they are shattering my ear drums. :)

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sara without an h