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Thanks! We are excited! SO glad ya'll are bringing Sylvie down to Texas. I love that the kiddos have a family so large they have no idea how they are related to anyone... other than the word "cousin". Jaxon is begging to go to Houston. We will see you guys soon!


wow - I haven't even tried octopus or rabbit...I think i'll leave that to sylvie :)

Yup...we need to get a move on baby proofing...his hands are into everything...not crawling yet...but just his reach is scaring me.

sara without an h

Marci-We are so excited for you, Brian, Eli and Jax! I'm so glad we'll be down there for the little one's arrival. June 1st can't come soon enough!

Dana-The whole idea of baby proofing is so overwhelming to me! Good luck with it!


Wow, Sylvie is eating literally everything! The kid I nanny for (20 mo.) has a similar palette: just about anything you give him goes into his mouth. And although they say they'll eat anything at this stage, I'd still like to think he's got a leg up on other kids his age. Learning how to be open-minded with taste and other general choices starts with the most basic of stuff, FOOD! I never quite understand why parents are selective (aside from raw/allergy related foods) about only feeding kids "kid" food. I'm falling asleep just thinking about white bread and cut up hotdogs.

Hillary Brooke

Sylvie's gotten SO BIG! And ADORABLE!! I was an avid follower of your old blog, and then had a baby, well you know how it goes, glad to have found you again!



Hillary Brooke

PS we grabbed your blog badge & put it up on lifewiththehux :)


Emily O.

Yes, your baby IS awesome! I still think it is just so wonderful that you are letting her experience so many different foods at such a young age.

She keeps getting more and more beautiful. Those eyes, that pout!!! Adorable.

Travis' paintings are gorgeous. How does he do it? I remember the paintings he did of trash from his studio and thinking how amazing it was that he could make something so messy look so intriguing and pleasant.


A big congrats to Travis!!

sara without an h

Emily-Aw, you're nanny kid sounds like a doll! I don't understand selective feeding either. All over the world children eat as their parents do. Plus, prepackaged baby food is bland and tasteless. It's practically designed to make children disinterested in flavor.

Hilary-Thank you! I totally know how it goes. Huxley is such a handsome little guy! And thanks for the blog love. <3

Em-I agree with everything you said! Sylvie is awesome and Travis is amazing. Can't wait to see you get hitched in October! I miss you lots! XO

Randalin-Thank you!

allie (and HENRY!!)

your baby IS awesome AND cute. just sayin ;)

allie (and HENRY!!)

and congratulations to travis! we love his art so much. garrison paints too and he's always in awe of the paintings travis does every time i show him.

sara without an h

Allie-1. I agree! She IS stinkin' cute. 2. Thank you for your sweet words about Travis' paintings. I want to see some of Garrison's paintings! I'm sure they're amazing!

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sara without an h
sara without an h