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sara without an h
sara without an h
sara without an h
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kelly green and the color of your new shoes are my favorite two colors. :-D

sara without an h

Deanna-Haha! To each her own! Though the color of my new shoes is awesome.


Actually, your maternal great, great, great, great grandmother was Nellie McCreery from Ireland. So there.

sara without an h

No kidding, Mom!


I'm totally with you in the hatred of the colour green.
On a different note, I'm totally in love with Sylvie's eyelashes. In love, and jealous.

sara without an h

Randalin-I'm totally jealous of her eyelashes, too! She for sure didn't get them from me. Those are her father's!


Not kidding!


It's so funny to me that you didn't know about wearing green! We always did that as kids, or we got pinched! We'd always say that we have on green underwear! :)

So I put the kids in green, and then totally forgot to wear green. When I came back into the living room Gabriel said, "You better go put some green on, or I'm gonna pinch you!" :) I told him I had on green underwear and then ran off to change! :)

sara without an h

I knew that you were supposed to wear green on St. Patrick's day, I just never knew why!


Ahh, yes, I guess that's what I meant to say. The part about getting pinched. Have a great week enjoying the sunshine before your trip to Ohio!

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sara without an h
sara without an h