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sara without an h
sara without an h
sara without an h
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allie (and HENRY!!)

what a fun saturday! we took henry to the park too, i wish we lived closer to each other and our babies could swing/slide together! love her sweater so much and it's awesome that she's so into kale. henry recently started hating anything that isn't sweet and i feel like we're back stepping. AHHH!

sara without an h

I wish we lived closer, too! Parks are so fun. Sylvie spent her entire swing ride giggling like crazy. So cute. Sylvie loves veggies so much, but I'm sure that is all subject to change once we hit toddlerhood.


I love Sylvie's little hat! It is so adorable. I'm super jealous that you guys have weather nice enough to enjoy some time at the park. Spring cannot come fast enough!

sara without an h

Thanks! I love that hat on her. It's my favorite. It wasn't super warm here (53 or so), but the sun was so bright!

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sara without an h
sara without an h