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Hi Sara,

I'm Sarah :) and I'm guilty of being a lurker! I can't even remember how I found your blog, but I've been reading since before you had Sylvie. I'm a fairly newlywed (married in Oct 2009) and we're probably going to start trying for a baby in the summer time. I follow a lot of blogs that are parenting/marriage/cooking/baking related :) I love reading about your parenting experiences and am glad your "here" to share your stories.

I technically have a website and blog where you can see a little bit about me, but it's a bit outdated...and I never really wrote on my blog regularly... I think my aunt and a cousin were my only readers...haha! Then after selling our house, moving and an unexpected serious family illness, life just got insanely busy and writing went to the wayside. But there ya have it... the story of one of your lurkers :)

I'll try to come out and say hi more often! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

p.s. really love your letters... especially the initials that you do for baby names!


Well, since you asked... I don't know if I've introduced myself.

My name is Emma.
I went to art school, now I'm in grad school to be a librarian.
I live in Cleveland with my boyfriend and our seven pets.
I lurk because I'm obsessed with the idea of having a baby, but can't act on it in real life yet. Guilty Internet pleasure.
Pretty sure I found your blog originally on that top baby blogs page. It was quite a while ago...

So, yeah, hi!
Feel free to ask follow up questions :D
It's lovely to meet you.


HI Sara

I commented before but its been a while. I found you through top baby blogs and followed your pregnancy and checked back like a crazy person around the time you thought you were going to have her. Now i love reading about first time mommyhood because hopefully soon ill get to experience it. My husband and I have been trying to make a baby for about 6 months now, hopefully it happens soon!!

You have a beautiful family, you are so talented, and such an open, honest writer!! Love the blog!! oxox

PS - i had a blog but stop writing after i got married, i got bored with it. Maybe when i get pregnant ill start a new one :)

Sarah Lysakowski

/guilty as charged

I'm Sarah, 21, third year arts student in Canada, hoping to get into nursing next semester. I'm not married and I'm not going to have kids for quite a while but I sure can't wait til I do! I basically just lurk a ton of baby blogs because I love kids. I was a nanny in New Zealand for 4 months in 2007/08. 4 kids under 4 y/o! Still miss them so much. My blog/not really a blog is
Sylivie is gorgeous, congrats!


Isn't that funny? I always wonder who my lurkers are, too. I don't know why we don't comment more often. But anyways, I'm Carey! I've been reading since before you were pregnant. And have loved following your journey with your husband and babe. Your honesty is always so admirable.

I live in Chicago - snowy and cold again today - and am patiently waiting for the birth of our first baby in late March. My husband and I started a urban farm a few years ago, and expanded it wildly this past year. I cannot wait to do it all over again in just a few months. I miss fresh garden food from my own yard! I might be trying out a few of your recipes real soon.

Oh, and my blog is
Stop by and say hi! I promise to comment more often now that the silly intro is over! :)


Ooops I mean
Pregnancy brain here.


1) I'm Lindsey
2) I do have a blog:
3) I'm into books, movies, writing, Thai food, music, animals, singing, games, et cetera. I live in Portland, OR with my boyfriend & our two cats: Meshuggah & Baba Ganooj.
4) I started visiting your site when you were still prego & while I don't yet have children I enjoy reading about other people's experiences with pregnancy & childbirth. I thought you were fun & creative and a good writer so I kept on reading.

Other reasons I keep coming back: your Sylvie is precious & adorable, I like the recipes you post (though I have yet to try any), and one sort of odd reason: I am fascinated by inter-faith marriages and I suppose I am hoping you will touch on that again at some point though I would totally understand if you didn't as it is very personal and people tend to get edgy/judge-y when it comes to religious choices. I really respect people who have healthy inter-faith marriages and it is one thing that gives me hope for religion in general :)

I was raised a non-denominational Christian but my religious romance was with Judaism so I think your marriage is like a fusion of my actual religious experience with my desired religious experience :)


Hi Sara,

I just dropped by today. I am a grandma. Not the stuffy kind, but the fun grandma. I read baby blogs to see what is new today from new 30 years ago. My daughter has a blog, but right now she has a 3 month old and a 3 3/4 year old and doesn't have a lot of time for blogging. She loves it though and will get back into it when the baby gives her a little more time. Her blog is
I am new to blogging and that is another reason I read blogs. My blog is


Hello! I've been a reader since you were about halfway finished with your pregnancy. I've commented a time or two before. But now I've started blogging again. Here's the link if you want to check it out!


Wassup, I've commented before too... I'm Emily, a nanny from MN. I've been a reader since you first found out you were pregnant, so keep it coming!

Michelle J

I found you blog back in June of last through Top Baby Blogs. I was pregnant as well and was looking for diffrent opinions on birth plans, breast v. bottle feeding, etc. I chose to read your blog because we had realatively close due dates. My baby was born in August. I've commented once or twice but am mostly a lurker.

I blog over at, it's mostly the random thoughts that come into my head while breastfeeding my daughter. I keep coming back to see what Sylvie is doing these days because my daughter is usually a few weeks behind and I know what to expect.


I wrote a comment before but it vanished so I'll try to remember what exactly I wrote! :)
well... my name is Amber and I live in England but I'm American and I was born in Japan. I study applied arts (ceramics, metal) and enjoy various other types of creative outlets.
I found your blog ages ago, and I can't remember how but I remember I just really enjoyed reading your writing, you have a good way with words and the things you say are interesting! So I became a follower but have only left one other comment before.
I also have a blog, which I started back in November which is at
I post about general life goings on and my work and all that stuff. I also sometimes wonder about how the number of visits I get doesn't match up to my comments. Oh, the dilemmas of bloggers!
Anyway, I look forward to seeing more on the blog especially about your artwork and of course adorable Sylvie!
Nice to meet you,

kristen s.

Hi Sara,
I am guilty of lurking... I may of commented once or twice before about breastfeeding...
I added you to my reader awhile back because you had fun pregnant pics and you mentioned loving books. I had just had my baby girl Lucy, so I was still into the whole "baby blogs" She is 1 now, but I still have you on my reader for the cute pics, and words.
I do have a tumblr
and mostly post about Lucy, weight/body image issues, and random thoughts. Not too serious, more just for me to vent than anything.
I enjoy my home, my family, dinners with my husband, books, cooking, and conversations well into the night (although those have been at a minimum since Lucy arrived).

Nice to meet you!

Take care,


I don't think I ever commented before, but love reading your blog and of course the initial letters you have done for me. By the way, the most recent one you did for me, the L, he was born 2 months early! Mother and baby are doing well thankfully. Oh and she absoultely loved the drawing. She started crying because she loved it so much!

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sara without an h
sara without an h