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what big changes for sylvie!! i will be so interested to read how sitting up changes things in her little world--that was the point when natalie started to develop a much bigger personality, i think it really changed her outlook on life!

and, btw, love the red lipstick!

Emily C.

i love when she falls over! so cute. i'm sure by next week she'll be a pro. it's amazing how quickly they master things.
p.s. my neighbor rocks orange lipstick, so you're in good attention getting company :)


Thanks! She LOVES sitting up. I can't wait until she gets really good at it! I think you're right about it allowing her personality to develop more.


She's already getting so much better at it! She can sit up for a while on the floor, but the bed's a bit tougher!


LOVE those lips. You look so chic.

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sara without an h
sara without an h