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sara without an h
sara without an h
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Now don't be sad, 'cause 2 out of 3 ain't bad.


I can fully understand the need for blue sky. I live in England and if we get anything other than a flat grey sky it usually makes the news. Its surprising how a little bit of "brightness" can make everything else seem so much better. Roll on summer! (we may get some sun for a day or two)


Can't top Dad's!


I'm the same way with New Year's resolutions. I don't think I've ever made it past a week when it comes to keeping them. I've been reading how excited you are to move to Texas on FB and I've gotten excited for you. I miss being around my family, especially since I've had my little girl and I really wish my mom lived closer.

Plus, I wouldn't trust anyone else but her when it comes to babysitting. Because of that, this mama hasn't been to a movie theatre (or concert, gasp!) in 2 years. I'm itching to go see a movie, ANY movie, among other people. :) Good luck with your upcoming move!


That is such a wonderful resolution. Kevin and I need to do that as well. We live in the really great house with our dogs and although things are tough we should enjoy what we have- especially since we are moving soon!

This just made me realize that I need to call or email soon and we need to be email penpals again.


I second being email penpals again! I can't believe it's only 9 months until your wedding! Time is flying on by!


Thanks! I am so thrilled to move there. You have no idea! And Happy Birthday!

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sara without an h
sara without an h