i think what meatloaf is oh so eloquently trying to say here is make the best of what you've got. noted, sir.
i'm not generally in favor of new year's resolutions. i don't think most people keep up with the arbitrary ways they decide to better themselves at midnight on january 1st. after a few glasses of celebratory bubbly, it's easy to get all gung-ho about losing those last 5 pounds, eating healthier, etc. that said, i do have a resolution for 2k11. i vow to cut back on whining about our current situation and make the best of the last few months we have left in indiana.
i REALLY did not want to come home from texas. i loved every single minute of our two weeks there, and this trip further reinforced that this move is the best thing for our family. after 14 days surrounded by family, delicious food, and warm sunshine it was extremely difficult to get excited about going home. our apartment is still too small for us. the midwest sky is still grey. the temperature is still hovering below freezing. BUT i can't change any of that right now. i can, however, use the next 5 months to get things in order, save up money, pack, and house hunt. so that is what i'm going to do. i hereby declare 2011 to be the year of not whining about things beyond my control. also, i'm calling it as the year of the awkward length skirt. you just watch. i already bought two so far this winter.
Now don't be sad, 'cause 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Posted by: Dad | 01/05/2011 at 07:00 PM
I can fully understand the need for blue sky. I live in England and if we get anything other than a flat grey sky it usually makes the news. Its surprising how a little bit of "brightness" can make everything else seem so much better. Roll on summer! (we may get some sun for a day or two)
Posted by: Gary | 01/05/2011 at 07:00 PM
Can't top Dad's!
Posted by: Mom | 01/05/2011 at 07:00 PM
I'm the same way with New Year's resolutions. I don't think I've ever made it past a week when it comes to keeping them. I've been reading how excited you are to move to Texas on FB and I've gotten excited for you. I miss being around my family, especially since I've had my little girl and I really wish my mom lived closer.
Plus, I wouldn't trust anyone else but her when it comes to babysitting. Because of that, this mama hasn't been to a movie theatre (or concert, gasp!) in 2 years. I'm itching to go see a movie, ANY movie, among other people. :) Good luck with your upcoming move!
Posted by: Elle | 01/05/2011 at 07:00 PM
That is such a wonderful resolution. Kevin and I need to do that as well. We live in the really great house with our dogs and although things are tough we should enjoy what we have- especially since we are moving soon!
This just made me realize that I need to call or email soon and we need to be email penpals again.
Posted by: Emily | 01/07/2011 at 07:00 PM
I second being email penpals again! I can't believe it's only 9 months until your wedding! Time is flying on by!
Posted by: sara | 01/08/2011 at 07:00 PM
Thanks! I am so thrilled to move there. You have no idea! And Happy Birthday!
Posted by: sara | 01/08/2011 at 07:00 PM