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I couldn't agree more with your reflections on blogging. I have LOVED following your family through your pregnancy, the birth of Sylvie, and now watching her grow. Keep on bloggin, lady. You are awesome.


Aw thanks so much!


happy anniversary...
I was excited when you started your blog. Even though we are friends in "real life" , I love being to peek into your world as a mom a newlywed (yes you are), I love checking in on Sylvie your daily adventures...even seeing what you guys eat or having a glimpse of you in your mustard cardigan (now I sound stalkerish)'s a way to stay connected, now that you are far away (and I'm afraid of phone calls).
I started blogging because it was a convenient way to collect my thoughts pictures. It's fun to reference things that happened a few years ago, things I'd otherwise forget.
keep it up!!


You're not stalkerish, just observant! I miiiissssss you!


Congratulations on your anniversary! I love your blog and hope you keep it up. Thank you for sharing your life. Little Sylvie is so cute!!!


I agree with Kim (is that Kimbo?). Even tho' we talk all the time and see each other alot (but never enough), your blog keeps us connected. I love it! xoxo


Yes. Kimbo is Kim. I'm also trying to get Kimbabwe started as her next nickname. Miss you Mama!


Thank you so much, Barbra!


I just can't imagine the heart behind comments that would be cruel to you. You have been so honest in your ups and downs as a new mom and I, for one, have appreciated every word and every picture. Thank you for blogging and THANK YOU for that video. Absolutely fabulous.


Thank you. Comments likes this mean a great deal to me. I try to be very honest and not glaze over the bad days. Thank you for reading!


I love your blog and have enjoyed following you on this journey! I will never understand the people that go out of their way to put others down and be so cruel. Why do they have such strong opinions on the decisions you make for your family. If they don't like what you do....why do they continue to come back, read your blog and leave hate mail? Can't stand it!

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sara without an h
sara without an h