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sara without an h
sara without an h
sara without an h
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haha! This totally made me laugh. Hey, you did... part of a cleanse. So that's good!
I love your outfit, and your stemless wine glasses. I keep telling the hubby I want to get some of those, but we haven't gotten around to it.


Glad I could make you laugh! The raw thing was killing me. I did it for lunch today and was hungry all day. Plus, I cleaned the bathroom tonight so I think I deserved that dinner!
These stemless glasses are great! We got them for a wedding present. I love them.

Auntie Melissa good. Your bro and I have those same glasses, only with Tessa and Sam they end up holding a lot of juice, milk, water....


These glasses held a lot of pomegranate juice mixed with sparkling water when I was pregnant.
I agree. Pizza=Good.


This post equals awesome!


Yeah! I want food and wine this weekend.


Ha, ha! I thought of you last night as I was making dinner. We had Mexican Tomato Lime Soup. You were having yummy pizza!


Those pictures are amazing!


Oh I love it!

Little can beat pizza although your detox recipes looked so yummy!


This is great :) Hey, at least you tried, and you DID do it for a couple of days so that's something! Pizza and wine = yum. :)

Also- cute hat!!


Thanks! My mom knit it for me when I went away to college. It's still one of my favorites!

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sara without an h
sara without an h