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High five on the Old Navy score! I was there a couple of days ago and scored some pretty awesome deals myself. Still waiting on our little girl to get here though (today is my due date). Sylvie is just beautiful. You seem to really like the Maya wrap - did you give up on the Moby wrap all together?

Kristin Messegee

Been missing your blog! I'm so glad to see you had such a nice week. You look amazing and are doing an AMAZING job as a mommy. She's so beautiful.

I had my baby on the 8th and the learning curve is steep! It's all such a joy. Though I did have my first mommy melt down last night. Bound to happen with the lack of sleep. Much more myself today.

I second the question re: moby vs. maya. I have the moby and I like....sort of. Haven't done much wrapping yet as he's only 2 weeks.

Anyhoo, yay for babies and family and scores on cute baby clothes. :)


Happy birthday to you both! :)
Great pictures! I can't believe the deal you got on that peacoat. It is SO cute!!
And you have an award on my blog :)


I LOVE the Maya Wrap. I haven't given up on the Moby completely. I just don't like it for right now. She's still so small and it doesn't feel as secure as I would like. I'm going to give it another go at around 3 months when I can face her out. She prefers the Maya, too.


Congratulations on your baby! I've had a few Mommy meltdowns myself. I think it comes with territory. Not sleeping+stress (over milk production in my case)=one bent out of shape mommy.

The Maya is wonderful. I can't say enough good things about it. She sleeps like a champ in it and it really helps to calm her down during her witching hour(s). I can get her in and out of it easily and I love the zipper pocket for carrying my keys, phone and wallet.

I'm willing to give the Moby another go when she's bigger/older.

Thank you so much for the kind words!


Thanks for the birthday wishes, Jess!

I saw the award! Thanks!


Belated happy birthday week!

Just found you and now I am spying!!

I adore the wrap in this post - I once got to hold the most darling little girl in the world whilst her Mummy wrapped herself up in one with the same pattern!!

Oooh, babies make me mushy!!

Sylvie is gorgeous and I love her outfits!

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sara without an h
sara without an h