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I have never been prouder of anyone than I was of you and Travis during your labor and delivery. Your love and committment to each other, and your soon to be born child, was overwhelming. Thank you for letting me share this experience with you. I love the first pictures of your family.


You brought your baby girl into this world the best and safest way possible. You stuck to your guns and tried your hardest to have the birth experience you'd planned/hoped/expected... but for whatever reason, mother nature didn't seem to agree with you. I don't view what happened as failure. Your daughter is healthy and perfect. And she's here. That's all that really matters!
Thanks for posting the story- I've been hoping you would :)


Thank you so much for posting this..I really enjoyed reading about your experience and even read it to my husband. you should never feel like you failed because you needed an epidural or had a c-section. The only thing that matters is that your beautiful little baby girl is heathly and and so are you! :)

Nancy Resnick (PA)

Both my children weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces as well. One was 3 weeks late and the other right on time. So that seems like a pretty good weight for a 3 week early baby.
Seeing how happy the three of you are is wonderful.I am sure you are going to be fabulous parents.


Sara, You are so strong and this story brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you and Travis!


This totally made me tear up. I hated that Henry had to be born by csection as well, I remember feeling like a complete failure when I woke up from the surgery and had to wait forever to see my baby. They didn't even let Garrison into the room with me while Henry was being taken out...I just kept thinking, Wait a minute! NOT FAIR! I hope you feel better and stronger about the whole thing, it took me a while but eventually I accepted it all. You are not a failure. You carried a baby for nine months and were even willing to birth her without any drugs (a thought that I couldn't even consider! i'm such a chicken, seriously). You are already a great mom, thank goodness she is safe and all is well. Focus on that and everything will slowly fade away.

I loved this. Thanks for sharing it with us!


I also understand how it feels to have a section after a long course of Pitocin. Don't beat yourself up; all that matters is that you're both safe and healthy. I still feel cheated in some ways, but I must admit that being able to plan my 2nd section was very nice and convenient since we had Sophie to consider as well. You've been a great mama from the start and we do what we have to do for our kids and that's the bottom line. I love you, honey, and I can't wait to see you soon. Please send our $ove to Sylvie and Travis!


I also understand how it feels to have a section after a long course of Pitocin. Don't beat yourself up; all that matters is that you're both safe and healthy (I know you already know this!). I still feel cheated in some ways, but I must admit that being able to plan my 2nd section was very nice and convenient since we had Sophie to consider as well. You've been a great mama from the start and we do what we have to do for our kids and that's the bottom line. I love you, honey, and I can't wait to see you soon. Please send our love to Sylvie and Travis!

Kimberly Payne

Thank you for sharing your birth story. I am expecting my first in 8 weeks and am hoping so much to have the home birth I have planned. Thank you for helping those of us almost ready to have a baby see that it doesn't always go according to plan. That the safety of baby and mom need to trump those expectations we have for our births. I feel more prepared for the possible speedbumps to my birth after reading your birth story.


thanks so much for sharing your birth story! it made me tear up, and was a reminder to me how quickly all of the emotional details of those incredible moments and hours start to blur--just shy of 5 months post-partum and so much of my own unmedicated labor and unplanned c-section has settled in the back corners of my brain. it will of course be tough to reconcile the experience you had with the experience you wanted--but that gorgeous little girl will certainly make that process easier. congratulations on bringing your baby into the world thoughtfully and safely, and good luck in this beginning of mommyhood!


Wow Sara- you are an amazing woman and mother. I am so proud of you and so elated that you and Sylvie are healthy.

Thank you for sharing your story, it brought tears to my eyes. Although I cannot even begin to imagine the whirlwind of emotions this event brought to you- I am so very happy that you and Travis have such an amazing bond. What a cool family.

I look forward to being a part of Sylvia's life and hope we can plan a visit of sorts in the near future.


Emily Ronning

Omg. Tears.


Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! It can be very hard to find acceptance of those circumstances which we just can't control. You did your very best to follow your plan, some things are just bigger than us though. Good luck in these first early weeks, they go by fast!

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sara without an h
sara without an h