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I almost did a post about Mila's Blog too!! Isn't that such a great idea?? I can't wait to dress up Baby Girl and take photos.

And Sylvie will definitely be one well traveled baby! How exciting. I am sure you can't wait for everyone to meet her.


I agree that kids (esp. breast fed infants) are very portable. I have always believed in taking my kids with me whenever possible. It is so easy to bundle up an infant, grab the diaper bag and GO! It's even easier while you are breastfeeding exclusively, since Mom is the food supply. I can't wait to meet my niece!


Mila's Daydreams is such a good idea! In all honesty, I will probably be too lazy to attempt something like that.

I really can't wait for her to meet both of our families. I can't wait to meet her either!


I can't wait for her to meet you, too! It'll be a fun trip out to PA for sure.


wow...that blog is awesome...what a creative idea. I'm not sure that I could be that creative...but I am going to have to try at least once :)


i look forward to seeing your one time only attempt with little aydan!

Emily Ronning

Nanny Emily from Minneapolis here again... the family I work for has been practicing the "attached parenting" method with raising their son, Teo (read about it here: A lot of the attached-parenting method revolves around some of the stuff I see you write about... sleeping with mom and dad at first, "wearing" baby/taking them wherever you go, teaching compassion at an early age, etc. Anyway, since he was a baby (he's 15 months now), he has fallen asleep with somebody, then transferred into his crib. No cry-it-out methods here. It sounds daunting, and it was at first, but now twice a day, I get to lay with him on a huge bed, and watch him fall asleep while he cuddles up into my arms. I feel as much love as I can feel as a nanny for this boy during those precious moments.

Like you said, you will probably nap right along with her and I can totally see how you you wouldn't want to sneak away from your sleeping girl. It's honestly such a cool feeling, unlike one I've ever experienced. I can't imagine what it would be like with your new baby. My 'pseudo-mom' nanny brain cannot fathom!

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sara without an h
sara without an h