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sara without an h
sara without an h
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go with number 2 to the anniversary party! number 1 is cuter and better for a baby shower.


thanks. you're like my own personal clinton kelly...only you like girls.

dad hinkle

If you get dress number 2, do you have to stand like the girl in the picture? : (


I agree with T!


NO. haha. she does sort of look like a t-rex with really bad posture.


I think I do, too! Thanks!


Oh! I love these. Great finds! The black one is my very favorite - absolutely gorgeous. I hope you'll post pictures when you wear them.


I'm going to wear the black one to dinner with my husband next Saturday! I will b sure to snap some pics of our night on the town!


I will check out that site. Thanks, Em!


The black one is gorgeous! Perfect for a date night.
And the blue one seems like a great choice for a shower. Have you ever heard of A friend of mine bought a dress from there for her shower.

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sara without an h
sara without an h